Happy holidays from Linda Kohanov and the Eponaquest Herd! Linda’s publisher @NewWorldLibrary is offering a special 50% discount (& free shipping in the U.S. on orders of $20 or more ) on every book they publish, including the five titles Linda has written! Simply enter the code “FRIENDS” at checkout by 12/20. http://www.newworldlibrary.com

Many people love The Way of the Horse: Equine Archetypes for Self Discovery—a great gift for horse enthusiasts. It includes a deck of horse wisdom cards with art by Kim McElroy. Each card coincides with an essay in the guidebook that discusses a different lesson that horses teach people. Whether you own a horse or not, this deck and guidebook helps you take horse wisdom back to the human world.
Linda’s latest book The Five Roles of a Master Herder was just released in paperback. Here are a couple of recent reviews from people who have incorporated the Five Roles into their professional and personal lives.
From Peggy Hilden, Director, Fund for Health Education, Kaiser Permanente: “Linda’s deep knowledge of the horse and herd is beautifully woven into how we as humans can find our strengths and challenges in our own work environment and how we impact those around us. This book guides us to a deeper knowing of our role as a member/leader of a team, what motivates those around us, and how to build trust for improved performance. We can all benefit from this self-awareness – be it at work, home or play.”
From Pia Ault, a Dubai-based coach and equine-facilitated learning practitioner: “Having been around horses since I was 9 years old, and now working with them, in partnership, in my own coaching practice, it did not previously occur to me how precisely they reflect human behavior back to humans. I wish I would have had this book as a companion in my 20-corporate career, with a mix of leaders (males and females) who displayed many of the outlandish behaviors of immature dominants or destructive predator role. I wish I would have had the knowledge and insights, described so beautifully in her book, to cope with growing up with an alcoholic father, and a controlling and OCD mother. But then I know that the universe presents us with guidance and information only when we are ready for it and for me that time is now….with this book! Linda Kohanov builds on her previous books, The Power of the Herd and Riding Between the Worlds, and makes available the very tools and keys to unlock the wisdom from the horses, that enables coaches and practitioners to help their human clients in transformational change and growth. The Five Roles of a Master Herder has become my new guide and compass for interacting with the many different leaders I encounter in my work. It has a permanent place on my desk and in the horse stable.”