The individuals listed below have completed the Eponaquest Master Herder Training Program. They are thus recommended and sanctioned by Linda Kohanov as Master Herder Instructors and have done advanced study on how to teach the Five Roles of a Master Herder, including how to administer and interpret the Master Herder Professional Assessment.
The following code explains abbreviations listed in the Master Herder Instructor descriptions:
- AI – Advanced Instructor (Prior to 2013 known as AAI – Advanced Approved Instructor)
- CEFIP – Certified Equine Facilitated Interaction Professionals, in Mental Health or Education
- CFT – Connection Focused Therapy Certified Eponaquest Instructor
- EFEL – Equine Facilitated Experiential Learning
- EFMHA – Equine Facilitated Mental Health Association
- EFP – Equine Facilitated Psychotherapy
- EI – Eponaquest Instructor in Equine Facilitated Learning
- EIP – Epona Instructor Partners
- MH – Master Herder Instructor – Individuals who have completed advanced study on how to teach the Five Roles of a Master Herder, including how to administer and interpret the Master Herder Professional Assessment.
- MHAI – Master Herder Associate Instructor
- NARHA – North American Riding for the Handicapped Association
- POH – Power of the Herd Leadership Program trained Eponaquest Instructors
- RFI – Riding Focused Instructor (Eponaquest Instructor who has completed the Riding Focused Apprenticeship)
- SC – Sentient Communication Program trained Master Herder Instructors

Hampshire, England, UK
+44 (0)7788 590927+44 (0)7788 590927
EI, POH, MH, MBA, T-Touch Practitioner (Equine), Change Management Consultant & Development C...

Cercal do Alentejo, Portugal
00351 964161168 or 0049 175527947600351 964161168 or 0049 1755279476
EI, POH, MH, CFT, SC, Equine Facilitated Coach, Equine Facilitated Therapist

Wetaskiwin, AB, Canada
MH, POH, SC, CFT, B. Sc. (Pharmacy), B.A (Music), M.T.S (Spirituality), Trauma-Sensitive HeartMat...

Asheville, NC, USA
EI, POH, MH, Reiki Master/Teacher, Life Coach, Business Consultant

Los Angeles, CA, USA
EI, MH, POH, Certified Shamanic and Flower Essences Practitioner, Transformative Life Facilitator...

(Muskoka area) Ontario, Canada

Yvelines, France
AI, POH, SC, MH, CFT, Coach, Personal and Professional Development Trainer, Hypnotherapist

Tucson, AZ, United States
EI, POH, MH, Special Education Teacher

Santa Rosa, CA, USA
MH, POH, Leadership & Team Development Consultant, High Tech Executive, Small Business Execut...

Brussels, Belgium
+32 495 599 723+32 495 599 723
EI, MH, SC, CFT, POH, MBA Finance, Entrepreneur, Leader Experienced in Working with Teams, Organi...

Northern California, CA, United States

Northern California, CA, United States