Want to learn new ways to transform interpersonal conflict, power struggles, bullying, and other difficulties at home, school, work, and in political, religious, or social activism contexts? For those who’ve practiced the basics at previous Eponaquest workshops, The Power of the Herd Advanced Intensive offers a chance to practice these skills with horses in an engaging, meaningful, exhilarating, sometimes downright fun way with members of the Eponaquest herd.
The Power of the Herd Advanced Intensive has become one of the most popular programs that author and Eponaquest founder Linda Kohanov hosts at her Arizona ranch. The last program, held in February, filled with a waiting list, so Linda decided to offer another intensive March 23 through 26, 2018. There are two spaces open.
“This is a program that I cannot do anywhere else in the world because it requires working with members of my herd who are naturally dominant and yet trained to act as teachers who can challenge people safely in learning how to handle progressively more powerful horses, and as a result, practice the skills needed to work effectively with naturally dominant, aggressive or fearful people.”
To see a complete description of this workshop: https://eponaquest.com/workshop/power-herd-advanced-intensive-2/.
To see what recent participants have to say about this workshop, read on!
From Pia Ault, executive coach, participant in the fall 2017 POH Advanced Intensive:
I recently attended an intensive for Power of The Herd, at Linda’s ranch in Arizona. It was a very intimate advanced workshop with only four participants, giving each of us a personal and attentive insight into how we can coach, consult, counsel and guide clients in real life, by observing and interacting with a herd of horses. I’m always very affected by the interactions with both horses and the humans who attend these kinds of intensives. I also usually have great takeaways I can apply in my coaching in form of real-life scenarios. This time I got something additional…I got some very deep examples of how the different roles and behaviors of “leadership” can be applied to get various outcomes, as well as how one can deal with behaviors of leaders in different circumstances.
As we worked through interactions and plays with different horses, while testing our knowledge of the “Five Roles of a Master Herder” in the round pen, it became more apparent how similar humans act in real life. With profiles like “polite dominants”, “immature dominants” “nurturing companions” and “strong leaders”, each of us got to see how absolutely necessary it is to be present and connected to the other being at all times, and to set boundaries when necessary.
I had a client come for a coaching session shortly after I returned home and we chatted about my workshop experience. She mentioned that she recently sat in a meeting with the CEO and her team (she’s a director of HR) and her CEO made a very derogatory and totally inappropriate remark to her in front of her peers – a behavior, she said, that he displays often, resulting in an environment of fear, low confidence and distrust. I was able to illustrate in words that her CEO was most likely “an immature dominant” who may be abusing his power as a leader in a predatory manner, and definitely bullying the employees. We discussed how he had inadvertently been receiving positive feedback as a reward for his inappropriate behavior (because people cowed to him) and thus didn’t know how else to act. I was able to coach her around this and enable her to see how she would need to act and set boundaries in order to slowly change this pattern of behaviors. Linda’s workshop and experiential learning enabled me to guide my client to see perspectives of her CEO’s character that can be addressed even when there is fear and vulnerability. This for me was priceless and I look forward to the next level of learning from Linda and her horses.
From Thea Fast, Eponaquest Instructor, Human Be Herd, BC Canada, participant in the February 2018 Advanced Intensive:
This workshop was everything I needed it to be and absolutely priceless! I came expecting to find little vestiges of Victim and unconscious beliefs provoking bullying behavior in others no matter how impeccable mine was. Success!!! It stopped happening immediately with the horses once I had the insights and awareness. I’m so damn empowered my Victim circuits have been Blown!
From Kelly Hyde, participant in the February 2018 POH Advanced Intensive:
I learned: 1.) I am not broken. 2.) I am powerful. 3.) I can trust myself. I loved the team exercises. I learn so much in relation to others, and it reinforces that I am not alone. I am part of a community, and I got to feel what collective consciousness feels like. [The Emotional Heroism presentation and process] was very engaging and thought-provoking. Brilliant material.